What makes us pedal?

         We are two kids pedaling after a global water education. Everywhere we bike we have to find clean water for ourselves and in doing so we would like to hear and record local peoples water stories.  This journal will be a mix of individual water stories, photographs, Brant's water testing data, and our experiences searching for water.
          As we approach new cultures, we will translate our set of water questions into the local language. When we can, we will work with different water sanitation aid organizations such as Engineers Without Borders  to plan  a route that stops at various project sites, helping them maintain current status information of established projects. We want to pedal to these volunteer opportunities, never “bringing” technology with us but merely offering a hand and an ear to the communities we bike through and stay with along the way. We want to see how each project has taken to each individual community, in order to promote appropriate, culturally specific, viable solutions to global sanitation issues. 

            Bikes, unlike other forms of transportation, allow you to be completely immersed in your surroundings.  They provide near complete autonomy, while being incredibly efficient and relatively quick.  They are an appropriate technology, don’t use much material, don’t require energy inputs (other than food) to motate, and are universally used by the rich and the poor.
            We are fascinated and passionate about the positive affects that bicycles have upon communities, and how a bike path running through town literally changes peoples lives. We engage the spaces and places that physically create our community in a more authentic way by riding a bike, and in this way, we believe, bikes slowly seduce people into caring about the place that they live in, making happier, healthier, more conscientious citizens.
            As young citizens of this planet we are curious, eager to learn, and eager to help create a more just global community. We want to PEDAL to these learning experiences.

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